Application Form
> Collection and Use of personal information
According to Article 15, para. 1, sub-para. 1, Article 17, para. 1, sub-para. 1, and Article 24, para. 1, sub-para. 1 of the Personal Information Protection Act, WIPNEWS would like to obtain your consent to collect and use your personal information and to provide it to a third party as following 1.
1. Purpose of Personal Information Collection
As the host of the WIPNEWS
protects all personal information held or collected, and may collect and use your personal information exclusively for the following purposes
- Collecting information for conference and exhibition registration
2. Personal Information Collected
Collected Fields
- Mandatory Fields : Name of Person in Charge, Phone No, E-mail, Press Information, etc.
3. Retention Period
All collected information will be preserved for 5 year from the day of registration. They will be destroyed in 1 year when the purposes of collection and use of personal information are attained.
4. Consent & Rights of the Visitor
Pursuant to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, you may reject the agreement for the collection and use of personal information, In which case you will not be able to the use.
> Providing personal information to third parties
1. Purpose of Providing Personal Information to Third Parties
○ Third Party
- Secretariat of Wip-news
○ Purpose of Providing
- Participant Data Analysis
2. Personal Information Collected
A. Collected Fields - Mandatory Fields : Press Information, Name of Person in Charge, Phone No. E-mail, etc.
3. Retention Period
All collected information will be preserved for 5 year from the day of registration. They will be destroyed in 5 year when the purposes of collection and use of personal information are attained.
4. Consent & Rights of the Visitor Pursuant to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, you may reject the agreement for providing personal information to third parties, In which case you will not be able to the use.
- Please fill out the form below
- Fields marked with an asterisk * are compulsory.
- The ‘Sign Up’ may be canceled in confirmed case of entering insufficient or incorrect information