Korea and the European Union Collaborate to Lead International Copyright Standards

Ministry of Culture Sports and Tourism and the European Commission Host First Korea-EU Copyright Roundtable on July 4

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2024-07-05 13:28:39 KST language

On July 4 the Ministry of Culture Sports and Tourism (Minister Yoo In-Chon) and the European Commission (President Ursula von der Leyen) held the inaugural Korea-EU Copyright Roundtable in Seoul.

The Korea-EU Copyright Roundtable was established to strengthen cooperation between Korea and the European Union (EU) in leading international copyright standards especially as the environment for utilizing copyrighted works becomes increasingly borderless. Policy makers and industry experts from Korea and EU member states will meet regularly to discuss current copyright policy issues and develop joint solutions.

The first meeting focused on the collective management of music copyrights a common interest for both Korea and the EU. The participants examined the legislative frameworks and practical operational cases from both sides and explored areas for mutual cooperation.

Choi Joon-Hyuk Deputy Director of the Copyright Industry Division at the Ministry of Culture Sports and Tourism and Anneli Andresson IP Policy Officer for Far East Affairs at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Trade provided an overview of the music copyright collective management systems in Korea and the EU. Following this representatives from music copyright organizations—Korea Music Copyright Association (KOMCA) Korea Society of Composers Authors and Publishers (KOSCAP) German Society for Musical Performing and Mechanical Reproduction Rights (GEMA) and Society of Authors Composers and Publishers of Music (SACEM)—shared their operational experiences and suggestions.

During the comprehensive discussion session chaired by Professor Choi Seung-Jae from the Law School of Sejong University participants exchanged views on future tasks and system improvement plans for the collective management of music copyrights in Korea and the EU.

Separate Workshop on Performance Royalties
In the afternoon of July 4 a separate workshop titled Korea-EU Workshop on Performance Royalties Collection and Distribution was held. This workshop provided an in-depth discussion on cooperation measures to ensure the smooth operation and improvement of performance royalty systems in Korea and the EU.

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